“Working for the SSU allows me the chance to create events that will enhance the college experience for the students; when I first moved here from Colombia, I wanted a fantastic college life of fun events, and the SSU provided just that!”
Get to know Laura (she/her):
Have ideas or questions about events at Sheridan?
Q: What are some of your goals for your role this year?
A: “[I want to] be able to make events that will make students' college experience enjoyable and remind them that it is not all about studying but also about enjoying life.”
Q: What program are you in? And why did you choose this program at Sheridan?
A: “I'm in creative writing and publishing. I chose this program because I want to make people experience all the emotions I experience while reading; this program perfectly balances creativity and theory.”
Q: What are 3 things on your bucket list?
Read a lot of books
Learn more than 10 languages
Visit all the continents.
Laura’s favourites:
Song: All American Bitch - Olivia Rodrigo
Food: Bolognese pasta
Movie: 10 things I hate about you/ Howl's moving castle
Book: Pride and Prejudice
TV Show: Criminal minds / Brooklyn 99
What was your first memory of the SSU? How did you discover that the SSU existed for student support?
“I learned about the SSU in the orientation week, but the first event I went to was the Raptors game; I had a great time.”
Which SSU Perk Partner is your personal favourite?
“Dominos and Eva's original”
What's the best SSU event you've attended so far?
“The Gala, it was a wonderful event with a lot of things to do and great memories.”
What's your favourite SSU Food spot on campus or go-to meal?
“Booster Juice.”
meet the team
Get in touch with the Student Life Coordinator team.
“I wanted to work with this organization because it presents me with opportunities I didn’t know were possible for me. I look forward to being in this business for making memories!”