2023 is starting to look like a busy (and successful) year for the Sheridan Student Union. We are proud to share company-wide wins and showcase a collection of talented and helpful student leaders working together to help bring the SSU mission statement to life. Check out all the exciting wins we had this past month, meet new members of the team, and congrats your fellow team members on a job well done!
Departments Wins/ News
Exec Team
SSU joined CASA (Canadian Alliance of Student Associations) and attended 4 policy sessions to help strengthen our own policies, and to help direct the national advocacy work to be done for the rest of the year.
Julia Bertola, VP of Community Development, hosted the first Coffee Talks of 2023 to help students from all backgrounds meet, greet and hang out!
Serendipity, Sheridan’s new student-led magazine, has been up and running for almost 5 months now! The student magazine has been accepting creative submissions from Sheridan students every month and publishing them online in the Creative Corner.
Rhema Javed attended and supported the New Student Orientation and Get connected Market Place at Davis and hosted the Sexual Health and Violence Supports Committee’s (SHAVS) first Pop-up event on 'Healthy Masculinity' at the HMC campus.
Also, amidst the freezing winter weather, Rhema was able to host a staff skating event at Celebration Square, Mississauga!
Services Department
Elite Sports Academy joined the SSU Perks program!
Our Hire Up Resume Workshop event was a success with 37 student attendees!
Clubs Department
11 new clubs start up throughout the month of January
Clubs Fair in the last week of January was a huge and really successful with lots of student engagement
Our clubs hosted 10 events in January throughout all three campuses!
Events Team
The indoor skating Winter Wonderland experience at The Den & HMC Student Centre was a hit
Taylor Swift Came to the Marquee!
Another win? Livia is now a certified Psychic after facilitating the Psychic day, Muskaan still can’t skate after the Winter Wonderland but she tried and Gybell is essentially Demi Moore from the Movie “Ghost” after her Pottery Class
Marketing Street Team
Actively pushed events and sold out Paint nights, T-Swift Pub Night & TECH Bingo in a week or less!
Helped various teams successful increase their events attendance (Clubs fair, Winter wonderland, Get Connected Marketplace & various pop ups at each campus)
Started a monthly food sample promotion at each campus to help promote SSU's Food & Beverage services (1 time a month)
Station Kitchen Opening
One of the highlights of January was opening Station Kitchen at HMC - our new grab-and-go food spot on campus.
Staff Recognition and Shoutouts
This month two new co-op students joined the SSU, welcome to the team Adrian Chico and Andy Pierre-Jacques! We also welcome Kim Moreira, former Events Team Lead at Trafalgar from 2016-2019, back as our newest member of the SSU Family joining us in the role of Assistant Manager, Programming & Events.
More Staff Shoutouts & Wins :
🗣️ Shout out to Rachel Zhang and Cally Leung from the Services Team! “They helped sort all 112 lbs of clothes that were donated at our TRC office! We couldn’t have kickstarted this program without their help!” - A message from Amanda Bhajan and Madison Hodgson
🗣️ Shout out to all three Clubs Coordinators Ellina Boufal, Leia Ali and Sarah Stone! ‘I would like to recognize and highlight all three coordinators for the work that they have put in this month through two different marketplace orientation weeks, hosting club executive meetings alongside planning and executing Clubs Fair. January is typically our busiest month for clubs and they have done amazing work through all of the initiatives this month and continuing into planning for the months ahead.” - A Message from Chloe Naftel to her team of Clubs Coordinators
🗣️ Shout out to Muskaan Dave, Gybell Bobadilla, and Livia Rafaela from Events: “The Three (3) International Queens on my team for continuing to bring “good attitudes!” - A Message from Danny Connelly to his SLC team
🗣️ Shout out to Vanessa Choy from Serendipity for writing “What You Might Not Know About Lunar New Year”. “It’s informative and interesting, and it’s always great learning more about how diverse the Sheridan community is” -A message from Saz McKean!
🗣️ Shout out to Isie Yang from Creative for making the hit sticker designs to represent each campus!
🗣️ Shout out to Ellie Shim, Mariana Bobadilla and Emily Manbode from the Marketing Street Team! “As the semester has gone on, Ellie, Mariana and Emily have all worked so hard ensuring all of our promotions are going well, keeping a positive attitude within the offices, ensure students are happy, they listen to student feedback and actively want to make SSU better overall. They have stepped up a lot when it comes to days they have to work alone & are always prepared for their shifts! I see a lot of natural leadership qualities within each of them and can't wait to see them grow even more” - A message from Lexx Senior, Marketing Street Team Supervisor
Thank you to all our Staff and Student Leaders for their hard work, laughs and contributions everyday. January 2023 was a great start to the year, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for February.
To stay-up to-date on the latest Sheridan Student Union news, join the community and follow us @the_ssu!
Facilities and Operations Assistant