“Hey there! As a customer care representative at the college union, I’m the go-to person for all your needs. I’m usually the first person you’ll see when you visit our office, and my top priority is to make sure you’re happy and satisfied with our services.”
Get to know Fizza:
Have ideas or questions about Sheridan initiatives?
Q: What are some of your goals for your role this year?
“My objectives for this year are to put in more effort to improve my career skills.”
Q: What program are you in? And why did you choose this program at Sheridan?
“I'm living the dream at Sheridan College's Software Development and Network Engineering program because it's the perfect blend of my love for coding.”
Q: What are 3 things on your bucket list?
Sky diving
Scuba Diving
World travel.
What was your first memory of the SSU? How did you discover that the SSU existed for student support?
“My very first memory of the SSU was when I worked as a marketing team member and promoted student services and events. It was during this time that I realized the SSU's existence as a valuable resource for students. Through my job, I discovered the many ways in which the SSU supports students, and I became passionate about spreading the word to my fellow students.”
Which SSU Perk Partner is your personal favourite?
meet the team
Get in touch with the Marketing Street Team and Digital Community Coordinators!