We kicked off the month of May by providing student leaders with fun opportunities to make an impact. From connecting with Student Care Stakeholders in Montreal and learning more about student health insurance, to awarding 8 students with up to $750 for their submissions in the Black History Creative Reflection Contest, the Spring term is off to a great start. Here’s a closer look at what your Sheridan Student Union has been up to this month.
Sheridan Student Union Board of Directors
The newly-elected Board officially started their term this month! For the month of May, we focused on accomplishing a successful board retreat by inviting the new, re-elected and former board members to participate in a three-day off-campus retreat. The new board had the opportunity to meet the SSU Managing Director Jamie King and the arriving President Ganyo Soh as well as attended multiple sessions to ask questions and collect feedback from the former board.
A few new Board and former Board members have also launched the InnocaS.E Competition, in partnership with Sheridan Edge and the SSU. This is a case study competition In this competition students can solve social problems, bring their innovative ideas to the competition for the chance to win prizes, score an opportunity to interview for Co-op or connect with a hiring manager.
Join the case study Competition for a chance to WIN!
Are you ready to propel your problem-solving skills into the universe of innovation? We're hosting a dynamic competition that bridges the gap between academia and real-world challenges both online and in-person—and we want YOU to take part! Get the details now
Sheridan Student Union Executive Team
Cat, your VP of Academics, continued to support students with academic appeal process and co-organized the Board Retreat that happened from May 10 - May 12.
Ritz, your VP of Engagement, updated the floor layout proposal for the Marquee and had a design review meeting with Giancarlo. Ritz also attended ICAB (Inclusive Communities Advisory Body) meeting and discussed the EDI Dashboard and Reports.
Leia, your VP of International Affairs, joined the Sexual Violence Committee and continued to advocate for students access to information and support.
All our Vice Presidents travelled to Montreal for the Student Care Stakeholder in Montreal from May 21st to May 24th. During the trip, they visited McGill University’s student union office to learn more about the services they offer and gain some inspiration for how to support Sheridan students.
Sheridan Student Union Services
Our new CSR desk is open and ready for business on the main floor of the Davis SC wing! Other than poster approvals and grad photos that will continue to be accessed in our main office on the 2nd floor, all other CSR services will be provided on the main floor! Another update is that portable battery chargers are now available for sign out at the CSR desk at Davis as part of the Equipment Loan Program.
Sheridan Student Union Events
May marked the beginning of our Summer programming. We have monthly events happening at HMC and Davis, while our Trafalgar venue undergoes renovations. So far, we’ve had 2 off campus trips, Movie Mondays, karaoke, ping pong, and Wacky Wednesday. Students seem interested in taking part in the Sheridan Life and we hope to cater more to what they want to see from SSU Events.
Our first Wacky Wednesday of the summer was a big hit! We had over 50 students participate in this impromptu, outdoor game day. The games change between the 3 Wednesdays we have planned this summer, so we hope everyone keeps coming back for more!
We sold out our first “Take a Trip Thursday” of this semester, with a hike at Forks of the Credit Park. Over 60 students joined our Student Life Leads in the beautiful weather and had a picnic on the grass. We wish to continue giving our students these fun and adventurous experiences throughout the year!
This month, we welcomed 2 new members of our Events team - Laura and Atinder - who joined our Team of Student Life Leads in the planning and executing of events this year. We are excited for what they have to offer the team and to bring new ideas to the Sheridan community!
Sheridan Student Union Clubs
Our biggest win is hiring two new coordinators Miranda, and Asmi. This month they have been training and learning everything there is to know about clubs and have dove into their roles wonderfully.
Clubs Highlights
This month, our clubs hosted 6 events and we welcomed 2 new clubs to our community.
Let's give a warm welcome to the new clubs starting up in May:
Sheridan Malayali Association (HMC): This club’s main focus is not just forming a club but it is also providing a second home for the Malayali Bruins. They would like to help the new Malayali students cope with the new environment and connect with each other.
Yugioh! TCG Club (TRC): The Yugioh! TCG Club (Trafalgar) is a space for all players or interested people to participate or learn the Yugioh trading card game! Together, they will discuss the games meta, deck building/theory, host tournaments and make friends!
This month, we want to highlight one prospective club, the Sheridan Marketing Society (HMC). Sheridan Marketing Society is a student-led club that provides business students with the opportunity to network and develop core competencies that will prepare them for their future careers.
Here are a few more Prospective Clubs looking for student leaders to get started:
Sheridan Student Union Food Services
Summer may be our quieter season Our Food Services team, but there's still plenty to enjoy! Introducing Bar Bites- two nights a week filled with great food, drinks and entertainment! Our bar is now open every Tuesday from 3 PM to 7 PM at HMC and every Friday from 3 pm – 7 pm at Davis!
We've also just introduced ice cream to our offerings at HMC campus. Swing by and indulge in this delightful addition to our menu! Our ice cream is quickly becoming a crowd favourite.
We're proud of all the accomplishments achieved in May and the continuous efforts to create an inclusive and vibrant community at Sheridan. Stay tuned for more exciting news and events in the coming months.