gather ‘round, talk about integrity & win prizes!
When: March 24th , 2022 2PM
Where: Online (Link Upon Registration)
Cost: FREE
Join us for a fun-filled afternoon with activities, a scavenger hunt, prizes and much more in Gather Town and spend the day learning about Academic Integrity!
Gather.Town is a web-conferencing software like Zoom, but with the added spin of being in a simulated digital environment. You can create your own character, move around and interact with other students just like in real life.
This collaboration between SSU and Academic Integrity Office is a chance for you to hang out with their peers in a fresh and interactive way and get some pointers on academic integrity!
Leading up to this event, we are also running a multimedia contest open to all students until March 21st!
Are you creative? Do you want to win prizes? Throw down your artisitic gauntlet and participate in the Academic Integrity Media Contest.
Do you have a funny plagiarism experience? Or maybe you have a way to explain plagiarism so easily that a child would you understand? Decide on one of the prompts for the contest or tell us (or show us!) what "Academic Integrity" means to you for a chance to win!
Winners will be announced at the Gather ‘Round in Gather Town event happening on March 24th.
All submissions must be sent to by Monday March 21st 11:59 pm EST. In the subject line please write "AI Contest Submission - Student name".
Throw down your artistic guantlet and participate in the Academic Integrity Media Contest!
Pick one of the three prompts:
1) Create a funny demonstration or experience about plagiarism2) Show (or tell) us how you would explain plagiarism to a youth!
3) Tell us (or show us!) what "Academic Integrity" means to you.Be Creative! Formats for entry: We are accepting
• posters• art and memes
• creative coding
• videos or shorts
• short stories or flash fiction
• and any other way you can express yourself for this contest.
All submissions must be sent to by Monday March 21st 11:59 pm EST.
In the subject line please write "AI Contest Submission - Student name".
We will announce the winners in the Gather Town on March 24th so make sure you're there to see it!
Gather.Town is a web-conferencing software like Zoom, but with the added spin of being in a simulated digital environment. This is where you can create your own character, move around and interact with other students just like in real life
Create YOUR customizable character before the event on March 24th at and join the fun!
Not only will the first 20 students to sign up receive a Hi-life Notebook and a $25 SSU gift card but we will also be giving away:
• SSU Merch/ Gift Cards
• Audible Subscriptions
• Linkedin Learning Subscriptions
• Book of the month Subscription
• Bokksu gift box
Don’t miss the chance to win!